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Black Friday - a reminder we're still living a fake reality!

Just when optimism was starting to prevail, when you started to believe the prospect that the masses were awakening from the slumber of the fake reality. Just when you thought there was hope for humanity, we’re reminded just who’s in the driving seat – and Black Friday is seamlessly rolled out with military style precision. A smack-in-the-face reminder of the scale of mind-control the mass population is under!

Word has it that physical fights broke out in Bognor Regis Tesco’s this morning over discounted 32” televisions. It looks as though the ‘Black Friday’ phenomena has well and truly infiltrated the country.

In what can only be described as a highly successful import of yet another US commercial product, the UK is now officially imbedded in the post Thanksgiving consumer driven ritual. Social engineering at it finest!

The most disturbing element of how simply and swiftly the major retailers have implemented ‘Black Friday’ culture to the country, is the fact we’ve taken only the spending bit!! We don’t get the days holiday and celebration bit, just the opportunity to part with some more of our hard earned cash!!

Cues gathered throughout the country like desperate & frenzied Brave New World characters vying for their soma. Fights have broken out in numerous stores nationwide and the police had to assist in several cases.

Even if you decided to shop on line it was impossible to avoid the imported phenomena, as you were laughably asked to wait in an online cue, therefore nullifying the benefits of the internets’ simplicity. Yet millions did (face palm).


The term "Black Friday" originated from the old Philadelphia Police Department's traffic squad. The cops used it to describe the worst traffic jams that annually occurred in the City Centre on the Friday after Thanksgiving.

Black Friday - A prime example of the large multi national corporations manipulating the masses for their own ends. Anyone in any doubt who’s running things!? Austerity Britain, not proving too bad for everyone!

Tony Freeman

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