BBC - withdrawal of implied rights of access
We're pleased to have received a letter from the despicable and corrupt TV Licensing (aka BBC) today acknowledging cancellation of our license and withdrawal of their implied rights of access.
As expected the content, that initially seems a pleasant yet formal acknowledgement, carries the sinister BBC threatening undertone: 'We've noted our records with your wish to withdraw the common law right for TV Licensing officers to approach your property. We reserve the right to use other methods available for the detection of television receiving equipment'.
We’re pleased, these disgusting war mongering peadophile sympathizers intend to waste more of their budget using ‘other methods of detection’. The more money they waste trying to oppress and punish the likes of us the more they expose themselves for notorious totalitarian regime they are.
It’s clear BBC have no appreciation of the value of public money supplied for them operate, which is demonstrated in the article below - £28m of our money paid out on gagging orders! Yet we’re potentially criminalized for watching television without a 'license'.
Well we’ve sacrificed watching anything on television from the non-BBC channels, and tune into catch-up if needed. The TV has been ripped off the wall and replaced with a bookshelf!
The BBC is one of our biggest grievances due to the role they play in supporting the agenda of the corrupt elite, and I’ll hopefully be writing a great deal more in the months to come!
Tony Freeman